Red Sea Regal Angelfish

from $30.00

Metal - ChromaLuxe Metal Images are infused directly into specialty coated metal sheets, creating unsurpassed color vibrancy and resolution. Scratch resistant, stain resistant, moisture resistant, and fade resistant. Metal prints can be wiped clean with a cloth and any all purpose cleaner, allowing your image to shine.

Metals come ready to hang with a 3/4” float mount.

Fine Art - Fine Art Prints are ink jet printed with high-quality archival inks. Acid and lignin free, museum quality for highest age resistance. Fine art prints come ready to hang with a 3/4’’ float mount and Matte spray for protection.

  • Photo paper prints are printed on Kodak Professional Endura Paper.

  • Photo mounted prints are mounted with a masonite backing, a 3/4” float mount.

  • Please allow 2 weeks for production completion on mounted prints

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Metal - ChromaLuxe Metal Images are infused directly into specialty coated metal sheets, creating unsurpassed color vibrancy and resolution. Scratch resistant, stain resistant, moisture resistant, and fade resistant. Metal prints can be wiped clean with a cloth and any all purpose cleaner, allowing your image to shine.

Metals come ready to hang with a 3/4” float mount.

Fine Art - Fine Art Prints are ink jet printed with high-quality archival inks. Acid and lignin free, museum quality for highest age resistance. Fine art prints come ready to hang with a 3/4’’ float mount and Matte spray for protection.

  • Photo paper prints are printed on Kodak Professional Endura Paper.

  • Photo mounted prints are mounted with a masonite backing, a 3/4” float mount.

  • Please allow 2 weeks for production completion on mounted prints

Metal - ChromaLuxe Metal Images are infused directly into specialty coated metal sheets, creating unsurpassed color vibrancy and resolution. Scratch resistant, stain resistant, moisture resistant, and fade resistant. Metal prints can be wiped clean with a cloth and any all purpose cleaner, allowing your image to shine.

Metals come ready to hang with a 3/4” float mount.

Fine Art - Fine Art Prints are ink jet printed with high-quality archival inks. Acid and lignin free, museum quality for highest age resistance. Fine art prints come ready to hang with a 3/4’’ float mount and Matte spray for protection.

  • Photo paper prints are printed on Kodak Professional Endura Paper.

  • Photo mounted prints are mounted with a masonite backing, a 3/4” float mount.

  • Please allow 2 weeks for production completion on mounted prints